Land Management: How to Find Free Food-Plot Seed

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The National Wild Turkey Federation’s Conservation Seed Program takes seed from dealers that can no longer be sold commercially (usually because it’s outdated) and offers it to NWTF chapters and their members for just the cost of shipping. That means a 50-pound bag will run roughly $5. Typically, only grains like corn, milo, and wheat are available—no turnips, clover, or rape—and it’s likely to be a year old, but that should have minimal impact on germination rates. If you need to plant 10 percent more than normal, so be it—it’s free! The seed can only be used for wildlife purposes (no harvesting), and you have to put it in the ground, but it’s treated corn (usually RoundUp Ready), so it shouldn’t be used as bait anyway.

To keep costs manageable, the program requires at least a half-semi load be delivered to one location. If your local chapter doesn’t partake, odds are one within reasonable driving distance does, so just call around. The seed does tend to go fast, so get your name on the list sooner rather than later.

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Tony Hansen


Tony Hansen is a contributing writer to Outdoor Life. A Michigan native, he lives in the southern Michigan community where he grew up chasing deer, turkeys, and football-sized smallmouths with the most meaningful catch of his life, his wife, Nichole.