Cliff Cadet, Rookie Contributor at Outdoor Life


Cliff Cadet is a rookie contributor for Outdoor Life. As a native New Yorker who was “late to the hunt” (a phrase he hopes will replace “adult-onset hunter”), Cadet’s goal is to bring a unique perspective to the publication. When he’s not hunting or spending time with his family in Queens, he’s working full time for UPS.


From being a Marine to currently working for UPS, Cadet has always had one rule for any job he takes: It must get him outdoors as much as possible. In 2017, he made an impulse purchase of a compound bow. Since then, his weekend archery hobby has evolved into a quest to become a knowledgeable woodsman. Cadet may only have a few deer and turkey seasons under his belt, but he’s learning loads every day. That journey hasn’t been without difficulties since he comes from a family that doesn't hunt. Cadet has been juggling quality time with his family as he solves problems like accessing public lands just outside of NYC. He shares his experiences and invites other hunters to learn with him via his podcast "When the Hunt Calls.”


Cliff earned his doctorate from the School of Hard Knocks, an educational institution unique to urban communities worldwide.


  • Interests include learning about whitetail hunting tactics, sneaker collecting, and mastering turkey calling during his lunch break
  • Enjoys discovering public lands just outside of New York City and figuring out how to access them via public transportation
  • Likes helping new hunters from metropolitan areas navigate the ins and outs of getting into the outdoors


Words of Wisdom

“If you’re new to hunting, take your time. The woods aren’t going anywhere. Find a good mentor. Hunting is great. But it’s even better with company. And lastly, if anyone tries to tell you or make you feel like there’s only one way to hunt…run away from them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.”

More from Cliff Cadet