Scott Einsmann is Outdoor Life’s gear editor. He oversees the gear team’s editors and writers who are subject matter experts in bows, knives, hunting, fishing, backpacking, and more. He lives in Richmond, Virginia with his wife and two bird dogs.
Einsmann went to James Madison University where he majored in archery, studied writing and rhetoric, and started a school news site. He was fortunate to be part of a talented team that won the 2009 collegiate archery national championship. He’s won a few tournaments and achieved all-American honors. After college he went to work at the family restaurant while coaching archery. He then went on to work for the Archery Trade Association as a staff writer for Archery 360 and Bowhunting 360. He became the ATA’s digital manager overseeing consumer facing sites, social media, and video production. While at the ATA, Einsmann freelanced for Outdoor Life and Field & Stream. In 2021 he joined the OL team full time as gear editor where he brings expert-tested gear reviews to readers.
Einsmann graduated from James Madison University with a bachelor’s degree in Writing and Rhetoric and a minor in Non-Profit Studies.
- Expertise and interests include target archery, bowhunting, saltwater fly fishing, bird hunting, snakehead fishing, knife making and turkey hunting.
- Enjoys thoroughly testing gear with an objective methodology
- Previous work experience: Archery Trade Association and archery coach
Notable Works
Handmade Hunting Gear is Seeing a Renaissance. Three Top Makers Talk About Why
Outdoor Life
Garmin Xero A1i Pro: Same Accurate Ranging With New Accuracy-Enhancing Features
Outdoor Life
Best Power Banks for the Outdoors
Outdoor Life
Easton Axis Arrows: Buy Three Dozen and Don’t Switch Your Arrows Again
Outdoor Life
8 Bowhunting Tips From a Hunter Who’s Shot More Than 500 Deer
Outdoor Life
Words of Wisdom
Shoot your bow on all days that end in Y.