Take Better Turkey Photos


Each year I see thousands of hunting-related photos. The sad fact is that many fail to capture the essence of the hunt.

After a turkey is cleaned the only thing that remains to remember your hunts are the photos you take. The good news is that by following a few simple steps, almost anyone can take great turkey hunting pictures, especially with today’s easy to use digital cameras.

All too often photos are taken in the dark, at mid day in bright light, in the back of a pick-up truck or in a drive way near buildings. Similarly, photos are out of focus, or way too wide or too far from subject. Shoot tight, medium, and then tighter. If shadows are on the subject, try a fill flash.

A few basic tips for better Turkey photos

1. Choose your background carefully: Photos taken next to trucks almost never turn out well. Instead, take some time to set up your shot. Hunter and turkey displayed on a log is a great shot. Always look for a background outdoors that is pleasing. Make sure clutter such as buildings and vehicles are not present. Flowering trees, wild flowers with a blue sky background, pine or cedar trees are all good places to start. Soft light is always best–late afternoon or early morning.

2. Turkey shots are best as soon after the kill as possible, especially in area of the kill. If that’s not possible, keep the turkey clean without ruffling the feathers. Choose your shots carefully and remember that happy hunters make the best photos.

3. Shoot at different angles: For a great trophy picture you always want to shoot it from at least the eye-level of the person you are photographing. Often, creative angels add an interesting dimension. Try lying on your stomach and shooting up at the hunter with the turkey for some interesting shots.

4. Include items that tell the story of the hunt: Make sure the hunter is dressed in hunting clothes with the firearm or bow it was taken with. Also make certain that all guns are pointed in safe directions.

5. Don’t trash it up: Never include beer cans or cigarettes in photos, other dead critters or people in the back ground.