How To Make Liberals Into Libertarians


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Somehow, ‘putting another code in the books’ is a bad thing when it reaffirms Second Amendment rights in national parks.

Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner Daniel White in his Nov. 11 column on notes the irony in how some anti-Second Amendment zealots are dealing with the reality that soon law-abiding, legally licensed gun owners will be able to exercise their right to carry a concealed weapon in their national parks. Get this: The same people who love to layer law upon law to restrict rights, are now whining about “putting another code on the books” to unleash those illegally-restricted rights.

Does that makes sense? Well, it does to Todd Wilkinson, as White reports:

“Artist and blogger Todd Wilkinson is unhappy about the upcoming rules change which will permit law abiding citizens to carry defensive firearms in National Parks beginning in February. He asks… ‘Always, the first question responsible legislators should ask when writing a law is this: What significant problem is being solved by putting another code on the books?’

“I happen to agree with that particular statement,” White writes. “In this case, the significant problem being solved is that visitors to national parks, unlike state and local parks, are having their Second Amendment rights taken away from them and are rendered defenseless. Wilkinson doesn’t see this as a problem. He doesn’t feel that safety is an issue. ‘I have never, after hiking thousands of miles and visiting dozens of national parks, ever felt the need to carry a loaded firearm inside one.’ [Wilkinson wrote]

“Classic Liberal thinking,” White astutely diagnoses. “Because he hasn’t felt the need to carry a gun, nobody should. I’m sure Canadian folk singer Taylor Mitchell didn’t feel the need to carry a gun when she went hiking in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia before being killed by coyotes two weeks ago.Fortunately, a Montana man didn’t feel the same way when he was attacked by a Grizzly bear in the Cabinet Mountains [not a national park but it could happen there as well.] He shot and killed the charging bear.”

For more, go to: y2009m11d11-Do-we-need-guns-in-National-Parks/”>

To choke on Wilkinson’s lament, go to: Time Will Only Prove Folly Of New Gun Law For U.S. National Parks;

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