Where Do Romney and Santorum Stand on the 2nd Amendment?


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Since the 2012 Presidential campaign began the day after Barack Obama was elected in November 2008, we’ve avoided discussing Republican candidates’ views on the Second Amendment here on the Gun Shots blog.

There were better uses of your time and this space, especially since some candidates — Herb Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul — were never more than marginal hopefuls while others, such as Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry, peaked and paled even before the primaries began.

And there was also this: Whoever gets the GOP nod will be far friendlier to the Second Amendment than the incumbent liberal seeking a second term in the White House — a second term in which he is expected pursue an anti-gun agenda that has been simmering on the backburner since 2009.

But, alas — and finally — the primary season did begin on Jan. 3 with the Iowa caucuses. If results there prove prognostic, the race for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination could shape up to be a contest between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (even though Santorum was recently trounced in the New Hampshire primary).

As the links below indicate, there is a great deal of chatter and contention regarding where Romney and Santorum stand on defending your Second Amendment rights.

One alarming note raised by the National Association for Gun Rights Executive Director, Dudley Brown, is that neither Romney or Santorum — nor Gingrich, for that matter — have returned a survey seeking answers to questions important to gun owners.

Among questions the survey asks is, as President, if the candidate would: Repeal the Brady Gun Owner Registration Scheme? Oppose the UN “Small Arms Treaty”? Call for a repeal of the Lautenberg Gun Ban and the Criminal Safezones Act?

“My experience shows me that candidates who refuse to return gun rights surveys and answer important Second Amendment questions are almost always hiding something. Hiding anti-gun political views,” Brown said.

Demand that Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich respond to the survey by contacting their campaign offices in your state.

Meanwhile, in the coming weeks, and especially before the GOP’s Aug. 27 National Convention, we will explore each Republican hopefuls’ views on the Second Amendment in depth.

For more, go to:

Rick Santorum’s Anti-Gun History

Santorum Favors Gun Control Candidates


Mitt Romney – The Second Amendment

Santorum says 11th-hour robo calls falsely claim he’s anti-gun

Mitt Romney on the Second Amendment

NEWT GINGRICH Defending Second Amendment Rights

Ron Paul Iowa Team Welcomes New ‘Gun Owners for Ron Paul

Mitt Romney Gets Owned on The Second Amendment