Firearm Microstamping Law Gets Axed in New York


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New York State’s controversial microstamping requirement for all firearms manufactured or sold in the state will not be imposed this year after it was eliminated from the state’s proposed budget in committee on March 26.

The proposed ballistics-imaging (COBIS) requirement, pushed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and adopted by New York’s Democrat-dominated Assembly, was not expected to be endorsed by the state’s GOP-controlled Senate but spurred Remington Arms Co. and Kimber Manufacturing, both New York-based manufacturers, to warn that they would leave the state if microstamping was imposed.

Microstamping is a process by which a gun’s make, model and serial number are engraved on a firearms’ firing pins so, the theory, any bullet fired is imprinted with that information. Proponents say it would help solve gun crimes. Opponents say it’s unreliable, easily manipulated, and expensive.

New York is one of seven states where microstamping bills have been proposed. In 2007, California approved a microstamping requirement, but legal challenges have delayed its imposition. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) has been threatening to introduce a federal microstamping bill for several years now.

“This is a tremendous victory for law-abiding firearm owners, retailers and manufacturers,” said the National Shooting Sports Foundation in a March 26 press release.

For more, go to:
Remington fires warning shot, threatens to leave if law passes

Remington Arms Threatens To Holster NY Ops

Remington Arms Company threatens to pull plant out of New York in response to Bloomy-backed gun bill

New York Committee Puts Kibosh on Microstamping

Microstamping Fact Sheet

New York: Senate Committee to Consider Microstamping Bill