You can get a little insight into the psyche of a fisherman by the boat he owns and runs. If he puts a name on the side of the skiff, you can learn even more about what he thinks of the world as a whole, life in general, and occasionally some specifics about fishing, fun and family.
Fishing tournaments are good place to see a lot of boats, many with names, and lots of personality in the mix.
Here are some to ponder, with some poignant thoughts about each boat’s handle.
A king in a small kingdom is still a king.
This big, fast, wrapped rig is likely funded by pests.
Confusion? Well, it’s only fishing.
Words to live by.
Hopefully this crew of anglers pulls off success at the last moment of every fishing day.
Well, they are, ah, nice rods.
For the best control, this is good advice.
Well, it’s definitely not a Hatteras.
A little practice with McNally’s Fisherman’s Knots Book will fix this fishing problem.
It does look like a pretty hot crew.
It’s a boat, not a reel, right?
He must be British. You know, “Mad Dogs and Englishmen”
The wave buster in the background looks a little more seaworthy.
Great book and movie, the owner likely isn’t kin to author William Nolan.
How come she’s not on board?
Maybe, but they look like they’re having a pretty good time.
If you fly the “Jolly Roger,” name the boat the same.
No knee grabbers either.
It’s big enough and looks fast enough to back up its brag.
Boat must have strained the budget a bit.
Someone must be in charge at the helm, right?
Bless you.
No comment needed.
First boat?
Close knit group this family fishermen.
The GPS numbers held by this crew likely aren’t discussed much.
Maybe this boat owner can apply for a federal bail out.
Some people are like that.