Young Jack Nelson toppled this goliath bull near Alaska's Aniak River, while guided by his father Dean Nelson. The moose is number six in SCI, and scores 618 3/8 inches.
The largest deer in the world is impressive by any measure. Standing at over seven feet, weighing nearly one ton, an antler spread spanning more than 6-feet with 40 points, an oversize bull is something to behold. Add the fact that a rut-crazed bull can be dangerous and you have a formidable target for any hunter. North America has four distinct moose sub-species: Alaska (the largest), Western Canada, Shiras (Rocky Mountains) and Eastern Canada. Safari Club International ( has compiled moose records for many years. Here are some of the biggest. Debra Card took the No. 1 SCI Alaska moose in 1999 near the town of Cordova. This incredible animal has 39 points, an outside angler spread of over 6 feet, and scores 731 1/8-inches! Zane Streater took this No. 1 SCI Alaska bow-and-arrow bull near Iliamna on a self-guided hunt. The massive animal scores 568 4/8, has 24 pounds, and a length of palm covering 196 inches. Robert Kadyk arrowed this second largest SCI Alaska moose (by bow) with outfitter Dan O'Connor. With an outside antler spread of 72 3/8 inches, this trophy scores 553 7/8s. Dale Martin's No. 8 SCI Alaska moose scores 604 5/8s, with a huge length of palm of 200 2/8s inches. This Alaska Mountain Range bull has a 72-inch outside spread. Bowhunter Rieger Lesiow arrowed this No. 2 SCI archery Eastern Canada moose near Ontario's White River in September 2007. The 18-point bull scores 405 2/8s, with a 54 7/8-inch outside spread. Kenneth Barr collected this 7th ranked Eastern Canada moose near Pittston, Maine in 2005. The bull scores 419 5/8, with 27 points and a width of palm spanning 43 inches. Bowhunter James Nealey collected this No. 2 SCI archery Shiras moose near Sheridan, Wyoming back in September 1990. It also ranks as the No. 6 SCI Shiras moose taken by any hunting method. The rack measures 435 3/8s, with 25 points and a spread of 50 1/8 inches. Doug Rehbein's top-ranked SCI Western Canada moose is an enormous animal. Taken in the Cassiar Mountains of British Columbia with guide Mark Boote of Jennings River Outfitters, Doug's bull scores 557 inches, with a 64 2/8-inch outside spread. Travis Peterson arrowed this outstanding Western Canada moose in Alberta. The 24-point bull scores 528 6/8 inches, making it the top SCI Western Canada moose by a bowhunter, and the overall number five animal for the SCI sub-species. Duane Enders tumbled this 518 5/8-inch Western Canada moose near Dease Lake, British Columbia with guide Mike Witt and outfitter Dempsey Callison. It ranks number seven in the SCI book, having 22 points and an outside spread of 64 5/8 inches. Dr. Larry Dearking's 508 6/8-inch western-Canada bull was taken out of Kawdy Mountain, British Columbia. It ranks as No. 11 in SCI, having 24 points, a 55-inch spread, and a 178 2/8 length of palm.
Huge? These moose are nothing short of GI-NORMOUS!