Google Van Deer Hit And Run Photos of a Google "Street View" van's accident involving a deer on a rural New York state roadway have been removed from the Google Maps Web site after several news sites linked pictures showing the deer/vehicular encounter. One shot shows a spotted fawn loping beside the Google car before it's seen down on the pavement. The next shot shows the deer lying on the side of the road as the car moves away. See more photos and the original story here!Great White Shark Breaching Brian Montalbo sent in some great white shark breaching photos from a trip to South Africa last year. What a monster fish! Thanks Brian. See more photos and the original story here!Ice Flow Buck Reportedly photographed near Miles City, Montana, this whitetail either was smart and hitched a ride on this iceberg, or unlucky and standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way it shows the buck had enough smarts to hang on and avoid a dip in the freezing waters of this western river. The buck apparently made his way to shore and escaped this possible deathtrap unscathed. See more photos and the original story here!Coyote Showdown Hunting Editor Andrew McKean received these two amazing photos with a vivid description of what must have been one of the wildest coyote hunts ever. Here is the note that came along with it… "The picture is for real and so is the story. Aaron's friends were checking snares around Geraldine and decided to stop and call in a spot. One had a .204 and a .22 pistol. The other had a camera. They called for 15 minutes and brought in the pack of coyotes that they couldn't see until they were 20 yards away. The shooter shot twice with the .204 rifle as the coyotes closed in. The dogs didn't know where to go and were jumping around, barking, etc. By the time he made the second shot they had moved in to 10 yards and he couldn't see anything but hair in his scope, so he put the rifle down and grabbed his sidearm. He stood up and started firing into the pack of jumping dogs. The picture makes them look like they're charging but they were just bouncing around trying to figure out what to do. The shooter emptied his sidearm and managed to get a bullet into each coyote. Pretty wild." See more photos and the original story (with 95 reader comments!) here!Locked Up Bucks On November 6th, Terry and Sherry Bolding spotted two bucks locked together under a fence. When Terry and Sherry Bolding got close to these bucks, they realized that one of the bucks was dead which was making it more difficult for the other buck to free itself. The photos that follow are amazing. See more photos and the original story here!MOOOOOOSE! Even with the guarantee of high fuel prices to return, don't give up that pickup truck yet, especially if you plan on going moose hunting. After taking a look at the accompanying photo you might even want to upgrade to a one-ton truck to give your suspension a break. From the looks of the truck, these guys were undersized using their midsized truck. See more photos and the original story here!They Said What? "If you talk to people who grew up on a farm, they'll tell you that they had an experience where they were taking care of a cow, and one day their parents took it away and killed it. It's a torturous experience for them, and that's when they became hard." – Alicia Silverstone, Actress Read more quotes and see the original story here!Live At iCAST was live at iCAST 2009 at the Orlando Convention Center. We brought you an exclusive first look at some of the most fascinating new fishing products and the gracious booth babes. See more photos and the original story here!Albino Animals Everywhere We received photos of this albino moose early in the year and then many albinos followed– bears, deer and much more. Click here to see more photos and the original story here!Big Louie Monster Buck This trail cam monster was found dead by two pheasant-hunting friends of the camera owner. He was over 250 inches! See more photos and read the original story here!Buck Retrieve By Man's Best Friend 14 year old Ethan shot his first buck, but they lost the blood trail. Ramsey, their chocolate lab, took it from there and swam the buck to shore. Amazing photos accompany this awesome story.. See the photos and read the original story here!The Ice Age Ever thought you'd hear of anything as wonderful as the bikini icefishing team? We didn't think so. These lovely ladies are not just models– they actually icefish! Catch them on the ice, or better yet buy their calendar. See more photos and read the original story here!Wanted: Space Invaders Not all non-native species are considered invasive. To earn that label, you have to be a real rabble-rouser. A species becomes invasive only if it replaces an existing lifeform and disrupts an ecosystem. Take the gruesome cymothoid isopod. (Click 'next' to continue) Wanted: Space Invaders Known by many as a "tongue biter," this parasite hooks its legs into the tongue of a fish, particularly bluefish and striped bass in the mid-Atlantic states, and eventually the tongue falls out. See more photos and read the original story here!Death Dance Straight from the Outdoor Life inbox: two locked up chocolate bucks were found dead and frozen. Even though we didn't have much information, this photo gallery was still a hit among readers. Does anyone have any more information on these two? See the photos and read the original article here!Fish Hawk BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Miguel Lasa captured these amazing photos of ospreys in southern Finland. Time for us to find a new fishing hole… See more photos and read the original story here!Giant Bighorn Found! The internet was buzzing earlier this year with word of the discovery of the "Cadomin Ram" in Alberta, Canada. The ram, nicknamed after the world record Bighorn Sheep taken by Guinn Crousen in 2000, was to potentially score as high as 206. See more pictures and read the original story here!Road Hazard Sheep and vehicle collisions are rare because of the smaller population of sheep and their desire to inhabit high country. Regardless, it proves you never know what you'll run into. I'm still waiting to hit a Sasquatch and cash in my lottery ticket…maybe join the circus. See more photos and read the original story here!Giant Grizzly Killed! Internet rumors swirled about the demise of this big grizzly in early 2009–supposedly killed by a motorcycle. Only got the actual details! See more photos and read the original story here!Samurai Squirrels A vicious fight for dominance between two Cape grey squirrels was captured on camera, showing the pair going all out in their furious fight for survival. The pictures taken by Brit photographer David Slater, who had been close to the fight scene at that time, show the squirrels hitting out at each other using their limbs.Slater, a former International Wildbird Photographer of the Year, was able to capture the aggressive way the two were fighting as other squirrels looked on. The fight occurred at the Etosha National Park in Namibia's Kalahari basin, where the temperatures can swing from freezing at night to 40 centigrade during the day. The duelling duo was also watched by a group of five squirrels, who stood from a safe distance as the two battled it out. The picture showed one of the squirrels down but not out as it defended itself from its adversary by raising its leg, foot and claws and blocking off a ferocious attack. Other pictures showed the two getting down and dirty as they grappled about in the dust with fur flying every each way. The remarkable series of photos were taken while a colony of the creatures, which are poor tree climbers so tend to live below ground in burrows, ventured to the surface to forage for food. Read the original story here!Girls Gone Grabblin' (Part 1) Catfish grabblin' has never looked any better! Follow the ladies of the Girls Gone Grabblin' DVD series in these photographs, exclusive to See more photos and read the original story here!Girls Gone Grabblin'…. AGAIN (Part 2) The ladies came back for more with another set of action photos. See more photos and read the original story here!Sunset Photo Contest Our readers loved the Sunset Photo Contest! We got hundreds of entries and a very strong group of 20 finalists. (Click 'next' to continue) Sunset Photo Contest Of course there could only be one winner! Gretchen Mueller Steele and her beautiful shot of this doe at sunset took the prize. See the other finalists here!Big Bad Wolves Wolves are back in abundance in many areas of North America. For now sportsmen must travel to Alaska, Canada, northern Europe and Asia to hunt them. Here are Safari Club International's biggest trophies. See more photos and read the original story here!Death Dive We got an email from Hunting Editor Andrew McKean which started out: "I recently received this e-mail and photos from a friend in Montana. Amazing photos!" You know it's gonna be good! (Click 'next' to continue) Death Dive "My brother was visiting a friend in Montana and touring through Glacier National Park. They were hiking up a closed road when they came upon this scene. It is evident that the mountain lion and bighorn sheep were fighting on the mountain and fell to their immediate death sometime during the struggle. Pay special attention to the mouth of the mountain lion–it still has sheep hide in its mouth!!!!" Click here to see more photos and read the original story!Best Boat Names One of the most popular stories of 2009! You can get a little insight into the psyche of a fisherman by the boat he owns and runs. Here are some boat names to ponder. (Click 'next' to continue)Best Boat Names Knot Workin' is one of our favorites. See more photos and read the original story here!Guide To Poisonous Mushrooms Looks pretty gnarly doesn't it? Imagine what it would do to your insides! See more photos and read the original story here!World Record Buck? Potential 400-inch buck could be the next world record! Outdoor Life got exclusive pictures and VIDEO of the monster. View more photos and read the original story here!Deadly Bugs This story was a huge hit with Outdoor Life readers in 2009! We gave you excellent information such as which bugs to stay away from and what happens to you if you do not (see image on left). (Click 'next' to continue)Deadly Bugs They may be tiny, but they pack a powerful venom. See more photos and read the original story here! Big Pigs Boars are ranked by their tusk size, with measurements made for length and circumference for each of the larger low-jaw teeth – and they can be huge, at well over a foot long in big boys. Check out these big pig world records. See more photos and read the original story here!OL Book of World Records A collection of fascinating facts about the biggest, longest, fastest, strangest, oldest, highest, heaviest, stupidest, coolest, and best in the world of hunting and fishing. On April 21, 1959, Alfred Dean caught a 2,664-pound great white shark off the coast of southern Australia. Amazingly, he subdued this monster–the heaviest record fish ever listed by the Inter-national Game Fish Association–in only 50 minutes on 130-pound-test line. Dean also caught great whites weighing 2,333 and 2,536 pounds. See more photos and read the original story here!World's Fattest Raccoon And Other Oddities What's better than the world's fattest coon? Not much, but Jack the basset hound is for sure a close runner up. Basset hounds are famous for their long ears, but a German dog named Jack has taken it to extremes. The hound's ears measure more than a foot long; in fact, Jack has trouble keeping his front paws from treading on his ears as he waddles along. Otherwise, Jack is normal: low to the ground and wearing a perpetually weary look on his face. See more photos and read the original story here!Snake In The Bass Okay, we're half completely grossed out and half fascinated by Ricky Stephens photos of a largemouth bass he caught that swallowed–or rather half-swallowed–a garter snake. This is also one of our better titles of 2009! See more photos and read the original story here!Animal Accidents What are the odds that a moose would be lined up so perfectly that all four of its legs would slip into this eroded crack in the earth? Talk about bad luck! And elk live their entire life in forest surroundings, but do you think this bull ever viewed a tree as its enemy? See more photos and read the original story here!Python Hunter Wild pythons have become the scourge of south Florida. The recent tragic death of a 2-year old child strangled by a pet 12-foot Burmese python in Sumter County Florida shocked America (THE PYTHON OWNERS HAVE NOW BEEN CHARGED. CLICK HERE TO READ THE STORY). But pythons much larger than the one that killed and tried to eat that child are abundant and thriving in the wilds of South Florida. See more photos and read the original story here!Killer Coyote Outdoor Life reader Doug Lyda's trail camera got quite the workout over a 5 hour span on July 4th capturing images of a coyote pursuing several whitetails on his Michigan hunting property. The coyote's patience finally paid off with a mid-morning fawn kill under the watchful eyes of its mother. See more photos and read the original story here!Meat-Eating Deer This young button buck was actually photographed trying to eat this dead rabbit. Researcher Pete Squibb says while the deer tried to puncture the body cavity, it never succeeded. Rather it consumed the dead rabbit's legs and ears. See more photos like this one and read the original story here!Snake Bite Warning Rattlesnake venom is a hemotoxin that is carried by the circulatory system and can cause severe damage to tissue. Even if you survive, the aftermath might be horrible. After this young man was bitten on the palm of his hand, his entire arm became swollen to the point doctors decided to perform a fasciotomy from the palm of his hand to his bicep to relieve pressure. See more photos and read the original story here!Wisconsin Giant Wow! Wayne Schumacher of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, sure knows how to kick off the 2009 whitetail season and set the bar high. The 52-year-old Schumacher arrowed a monster whitetail reportedly with a green score of approximately 220 points. See more photos and read the original story here!Giant Gators In South Carolina Last year South Carolina opened its first modern public alligator hunt, with 1,000 tags offered and about 300 alligators harvested during a 30-day season running mid-September to mid-October. This year's hunt has just concluded, with about the same success rate. But according to Claudia Cordray, who with her husband Michael and family run Cordray's Processing (near Charleston, the gators taken have generally been bigger and heavier than last year. Kara Slick's 12-foot-3 alligator taken this year was so huge it barely fit inside a full-size pick-up truck, and was so heavy (600 pounds) a front-end loader was needed to remove it for processing at Cordray's. See more photos and read the original story here!Lucky Dog Love 'em or hate 'em (and we basically don't like them even a little bit), you've got to appreciate this coyote's tenacity for survival. See more photos and read the original story here!Racks 2010: Mule Deer Edition Mule deer season won't last all year, but you can dream can't you? Rack Girls 2010 Mule Deer edition keeps us warm all year long. See more photos and buy the calendar here!2010 Dr. Julie Ball Sportfishing Calendar Julie Ball is back this year with her sportfishing calendar. Expect to see more of the good doctor in 2010 as she fishes her way to many more citations and awards. See more photos and read other Dr. Julie stories here!Fish Faces These beautiful Outdoor Life readers will reel you in with their fishing skills. See more photos and read the original story here!Hippo Chases Man This gamekeeper in Uganda runs for his life after a hungry, hungry hippo charges him. Hippos have huge teeth and kill more people than any other African animal. He was not severely injured. See more photos and read the original story here!Velvet Dreams South Carolina's deer season opens August 15, giving hunters the rare opportunity to take a whitetail buck in velvet. A disabled sportsman, with help from his friends, enjoys a Low Country adventure. See more photos and read the original story here!
Welcome to Outdoor Life’s top 50 stories as chosen by our readers (in no particular order).