Monster Killer

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MONSTER S.C. GATOR Mary Ellen Mara-Christian caught this massive alligator in South Carolina while fishing with her husband Mark and guide Kevin Davis of Blacks Camp.
The trio caught the big lizard on Lake Moultrie on September 15th. After Mara-Christian hooked the gator with a heavy-duty fishing pole the group went to work hauling it to the boat. It took about two hours to put him down for good.
The gator weighed 1,025 pounds and was 13.5 feet long.
Mary Ellen, 48, is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs about 115 pounds.
The .22 that the group brought along wasn't powerful enough to kill the gator, so Mary Ellen knifed it, severing its spinal cord.
Both Mark and Mary Ellen are serious hunters and Mark is a part-time hunting guide in Maine. The couple plans to have the alligator mounted in their home.
Mary Ellen and her hunting party didn't know just how big the the gator was until they were able to bring him onto shore. "Until we saw it on land it was like holy crap … he is a beast," Mary Ellen says.
Here's Mary Ellen's gator next to a large alligator.
The South Carolina gator hunt is a relatively new development and the state only gave out 1,000 licenses this year.
But there are some monster lizards in the Palmetto State. Last year Preston Avinger killed this South Carolina gator that is even heavier than Mary Ellen's. Preston's gator weighed 1,060 pounds. For information on Blacks Camp click here.
FLORIDA MONSTER Robert Gatling is a Jacksonville dentist with a passion for Florida alligator hunting. He's been after them over the last seven years, and annually takes some heavyweights, including many over 10 feet long weighing hundreds of pounds. Need more? Click for more Gators and Crocs >> Click here for World Record Gators >>
But the brute he and three buddies located Sept. 20 in the St. Johns River about 30 miles south of Jacksonville near the town of Palatka was not your average lake-living lizard.
Gatling and area friends Andy Burns, Larry Geiger and Keith Price launched their 17-foot Stumpknocker skiff in Palatka at sunset. Then they headed south toward sprawling Lake George looking for gators.
The night was dark, but gators were scarce. They'd only seen one set of glowing eyes in their boat spotlight until they saw this giant (shown here with Gatling and Burns) cruising parallel to shore well off the bank.
Old, huge gators like this are cagey, so the hunters approached it slowly and quietly. Using a 10-foot wooden pole with a detachable metal harpoon head, Gatling speared the beast in the back behind the shoulder.
Attached to the harpoon head was 50 feet of rope with a large plastic boat bumper tied to its end. The gator swam away fast, but the hunters closed the distance and sent two more harpoons with bumpers into the dragon.
This scaly paw and gnarly claws look like something out of a B-rated dragon horror movie.
Attached to the harpoon head was 50 feet of rope with a large plastic boat bumper tied to its end. The gator swam away fast, but the hunters closed the distance and sent two more harpoons with bumpers into the dragon.
Then another 90 minutes passed as they ran their boat at idle speed back to the ramp, because the skiff would not get up on plane due to the excessive gator weight. The next morning Robert's son Bobby was stunned at the size of the creature.
Alligators grow as old as humans, so it easily could have been 60 or 70 years of age. The alligator was so old half its teeth were missing, and most of the ones remaining were worn way down. The head is enormous, easily as large as a big man's torso, as shown here by Robert and Bobby Gatlin. If you look closely at the gator's head, you'll see a pair of .44 magnum holes between its eyes.
The following day the giant was taken to a local fish market for processing. The distance between eyes and snout is over 13 inches. At 13-feet, 4-inches, the gator has a tail is as large as a man. The head of the gator will be preserved as a trophy, but Robert Gatlin is still hunting for another big one. His Florida hunting permit is good for two gators, and he won't settle for one under 10-feet long. Need more? Click for more Gators and Crocs >> Click here for World Record Gators >>