Duck stamps are about to go digital. There's currently a bill waiting in the U.S. Senate that would OK online sales of federal duck stamps in all 50 states. Right now, eight states are running a trial program that allows hunters to buy their stamp online. The physical stamp gets mailed to them after 45 days. Since 1934, the year the first duck stamp was issued, the program has raised $800 million dollars that's been used to conserve 5.3 million acres of wetlands – that's an area larger than the state of Connecticut. Duck stamps (which cost $15) raise about $25 million each year. Hopefully, this online program will allow even more hunters and conservationists to buy the stamp. To celebrate the success of the duck stamp, and it's 75th anniversary, our friends at Ducks Unlimited have sent us a collection of the 35 best duck stamp paintings. Pictured: the 2012-2013 stamp by Joseph Hautman 2010-2011, American Wigeon By: Robert Bealle 2009-2010, Long-tailed Duck By: Joshua Spies 2008-2009 (75th Anniversary Stamp), Northern Pintails By: Joseph Hautman 2006-2007, Ross' Goose By: Sherrie Russell Meline 2005-2006, Hooded Mergansers By: Mark Anderson 2004-2005, Redheads By: Scot Storm 2003-2004, Snow Geese By: Ron Louque 2000-2001, Mottled Duck By: Adam Grimm 1999-2000, Greater Scaup By: James Hautman 1995-1996, Mallards By: James Hautman 1994-1995, Red-breasted Mergansers By: Neal R. Anderson 1991-1992, King Eiders By: Nancy Howe 1988-1989, Snow Goose By: Daniel Smith 1986-1987, Fulvous Whistling Duck By: Burton E. Moore 1982-1983, Canvasbacks By: David A. Maass 1981-1982, Ruddy Ducks By: John S. Wilson 1980-1981, Mallards By: Richard Plasschaert 1975-1976, Canvasbacks and Decoy By: James P. Fisher 1974-1975, Wood Ducks By: David A. Maass 1972-1973, Emperor Geese By: Arthur M. Cook 1967-1968, Oldsquaw (Long-tailed) Ducks By: Leslie C. Kouba 1963-1964, Brant By: Edward J. Bierly 1962-1963, Northern Pintails By: Edward A. Morris 1961-1962, Mallards By: Edward A. Morris 1959-1960, Mallard By: Maynard Reece 1955-1956, Blue Geese By: Stanley Stearns 1953-1954, Blue-winged Teal By: Clayton B. Seagears 1950-1951, Trumpeter Swans By: Walter A. Weber 1946-1947, Redheads By: Robert W. Hines 1945-1946, Northern Shovelers By: Owen J. Gromme 1939-1940, Green-winged Teal By: Lynn B. Hunt 1936-1937, Canada Geese By: Richard E. Bishop 1934-1935, Mallards By: Jay N. "Ding" Darling 1935-1936, Canvasbacks By: Frank W. Benson
The duck stamp is going digital. As a bill that would allow the online sale of the federal duck stamp works it’s way through congress, we take a look back at the 35 coolest stamps since 1934.