Hunting Big Game Hunting Coolest Taxidermy Photos from Instagram Posted on Jun 17, 2013 Share I want this for my house! —a_kenner Really wanna see this in person —libbypaulson Taxidermy at its best! —camoflauge_life My dad's antelope —Mikeylopez16 Caribou vs. Wolf mount —bmforestry It's a lion! Cynthia M Redd What an amazing scene at Cabela's —Incredible_Taxidermy What a scene! —Incredible_Taxidermy Two bears fighting' it out —Incredible_Taxidermy —Incredible_Taxidermy Natural History Museum —thatpat Biggest buck of the year —lakenbeth —andfire40 —burbotooster Taxidermy Moose in Bass Pro —ethansince01 Went to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and this was right at the entrance. Pretty BA —gin13 Never look a dead elk in the mouth. —Spapendo Oh, ya know……just hanging out at Cabela's!! —sirblaketh Taxidermy —Miss_batty Stopped at the taxidermy shot with my grandparents yesterday —breezybriejoy The hammer is back —blackfeathertaxidermy Taxidermy has become the latest pop culture fad and everyone, from hardcore hunters to hipsters, is uploading their best mount photos to Instagram. We rounded up the 21 coolest shots.